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これが本物 ポメラニアンカルテット♪

これが本物 ポメラニアンカルテット♪

戸籍 臍の緒(family register. A navel)

MichaelのThsi is itの一場面で見た服の模様。


只、メッセージの言葉が変で ガー ガーと相手は書いている。
内心 この人はイカれてるんだろうか?と思った。


Mr.Michael Jackson Mr.Ortega有難うございます。


・Takeshiは大日本帝国連合 翻訳エラーになるので日本 連合軍)



それらは日本の公安警察だけではなくWORLD COMMUNITYにも潜伏していた。

The design of the clothes which I looked at in one scene of Thsi is it of Michael.
I resemble closely by the design which my mother wore 45 years ago.

Was it 2015, 2016?
Communication arrived from the chat of the GREE site.
I accessed the fishing site of the game in 2009.
The message is from a member of the fishing team,
・Back riding of the family register
・Visit to Yasukuni Shrine
・Constitution revision of Prime Minister Abe

But the words of the message are strange, and the partner is writing quack quack it.
Will this person be gone inwardly? I thought of this.

I write that I get on family register back riding, the back and seem to read it with high paste.
I checked my family register since the birth, but there is no abnormality afterwards. It was only Toyono-cho government office that there was an abnormality.

When a criminal disguised himself/herself as the family register of mother and used a family register, the United States gave reporting to me.
Thank you for your Mr.Michael Jackson Mr.Ortega.

Mr.Takeshi "Nao! I asked me is there your navel cord?.
When I come home and ask mother, the navel cord of the younger brother does not have my navel cord though there is it.

(when I was born in Japan, a hospital puts a navel cord in the small box of the paulownia in memory, and there is a custom to hand.
I may use the navel cord for medical care using DNA in the present age.
・As Takeshi becomes the association of Great Japanese Empire translation error the Japanese Allied Forces)

It was a place not to notice at all if Takeshi did not say.

I thought the camouflage actress, DNA concerning the back riding of the family register to be a thing by the marrow offer registration, but marrow Bang does not exist 45 years ago.

As me GREE,
The traitors who enjoy international communication system malfunction as Japan using GREE, and do the spread.
The mass media and the international mass media.
They hid in not only the Japanese security police but also WORLD COMMUNITY.

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